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Billiards Esnuka
Billiards, pool, snooker and three more original and educational games for Windows with computer players.

There are four difficulty levels: in the first three, the Snooker table has 6 pockets and a ball must be potted into a pocket. In the fourth, the table has no pockets.
Before beginning his turn, each player may choose the impact, angle and spin to be used. The function of each key will become clearly apparent once one begins to play. If a key is pressed which has no function, a help screen will appear containing all possible options. It is important at this stage to mention the F9 function key where the computer will suggest a shot - maximum three -, and F10 which saves the game at a specific stage, allowing the game to be loaded with Alt-F10 or F6 from the Options Menu.
If a mouse is available, the choice of angle, impact and spin is much easier. A small amount of practice will be enough to see how it works. Nevertheless, it is useful to note that placing the mouse pointer below the players' names on the screen, and clicking the left mouse button makes a shot.

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