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The Freeware Directory of Word Games!



Freeware » Games » Word

100% Word Search Free
Create, play, print, or export word searches. A windows program that includes a hint feature and sound. Easy-to-use and powerful. Popular amongst teachers and word search enthusiasts.

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Lexter is a real-time word puzzle for text terminals. Arrange the falling letters into words to score points. Lexter supports internationalization and multiple dictionaries.

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Martin's Hangman
Simple hangman game for Windows.The user interface could perhaps be a bit prettier looking but hopefully it's simple and intuitive to use.

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A scrabble style game for windows that can be played over the internet. Played by two players though you may practice against yourself by pulling down the Play Menu and click on Start Practice.

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Words of Fortune
Allows you to build your vocabulary by yourself or against a friend on Windows. Looking for a game to challenge your vocabulary?

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Generate a random wordsearch using the words you specify or a pre-defined Word List. Specify the dimensions and a difficulty level - at the easiest level all words read horizontally or vertically, at the hardest level, incomplete parts of words are hidden and words are often reversed or diagonal!

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